Parents of Kanye West's Wife Bianca Censori Are Afraid Kanye Might Not Be Right For Their Daughter

Rachpoot/Bauer-Griffin. Getty Images.

Daily Mail - Kanye West's relationship with Bianca Censori raised concerns for her parents, who insiders claim found the controversial rapper 'disturbing' and feared their daughter was simply a rebound in the wake of his divorce from ex-wife Kim Kardashian.

The couple secretly married on December 20 last year - just one month after he finalized his separation from Kim, with whom he has four children.

‘Bianca’s mother and father find Kanye to be slightly disturbing,' a source close to the Yeezy architect told exclusively.

'Her parents found it suspect that he married Bianca one month after his divorce from Kim was finalized. They really didn't want Bianca to be his rebound from such a high-profile marriage.'

Can you believe that? What is it about global superstar and fashion icon Kanye West that would make you uneasy about him dating your daughter? The nerve of these parents. 

I can't imagine what it would be like to raise a daughter. A beautiful one at that. Smart too. Say your daughter graduates Australian high school with good grades, achieves her Australian Bachelor's Degree, and gets her Australian Masters from the prestigious University of Melbourne. Everything is going great. You're knocking it out of the park as parents. So proud. Then right out of school she lands a job as Head Architect at a company called Yeezy. Very cool, very hip. You're a little concerned about her boss though. In many ways he's a creative genius. A little eccentric I guess. Even a little funny.

However, in other way's, he's dangerously out of his mind and might be an actual Nazi. 

But you take the good with the bad. Sure, it's a little suspicious that your stacked model hot daughter landed an incredibly high profile job with such minimal real world experience. But what is she going to do, say no? It's an incredible opportunity. She's got a good head on her shoulders. She'll be ok. 

But the more she works there, the more concerned you get. Her boss is in the midst of a high profile divorce with with arguably the most famous woman in the world, and he seems to be handling it exceptionally poorly (i.e. threatening the life of her newest celebrity boyfriend, Pete Davidson)

"I'm going to find Pete Davidson and fucking kill him. Here's a cartoon video of me doing it" - Kanye West (paraphrased) 

That timeline isn't entirely accurate, but you get my point. These parents are watching their pride and joy work for a raving lunatic from a far. That alone has to be pretty scary. But whatever. Bosses can be crazy. I once had a boss who scolded me for not praying before dinner. Some people are just different, and that's ok. But then one day you get this call from your daughter.

"Hey Mom and Dad, I have big exciting news"

"What is it dear? Did you design the world's best building?"

"No, even better. I'm married!"

"Married?! I didn't even know you had a boyfriend. Who is he?"

"You know my boss right? The greatest musical artist of all-time, owner of a billion dollar company that was recently dropped by Adidas because he said Hitler had some good ideas. You know, the one who denied the Holocaust, is still deeply deeply in love with his ex-wife, behaves erratically at all times, goes off his meds at the drop of a hat, literally thinks he's god.

"You're married to Kanye West? Why?"

"He's a great guy, I really think you'll like him!"

"Why would you possibly think that?"

"Have you ever heard Gold Digger?"

"No we're Australian"

"He's a global superstar"

"Well sorry honey I don't know what to tell you we haven't heard Gold Digger"

"Well listen to Gold Digger. Then look up his net worth"

I imagine the conversation went something like that. Ever since then her name has been in the news on a daily basis. Every day there's a new report about Kanye West doing something new and insane. Every day they're seeing reports of this nature.

OK! - “Kanye has a set of rules for Bianca, which includes never speak and wear what he wants her to wear,” the source claimed. “She is also required to eat certain food items and to work out even though Kanye doesn’t work out.”

Daily Mail - While West was pictured exposing his bare buttocks as Censori knelt in front of him at the back of the vessel, the shadowy woman, who has not been identified, can be seen standing behind the boat's captain at the bow. .

Along with pictures and headlines of this nature.

All you wanted to do is enjoy your retirement in peace. Maybe spend some time at the Sydney Opera house, go see the Kangaroos, or whatever Australians like to do in their old age. You were so close too. Your daughter was on a perfectly normal path. Then seemingly out of nowhere, Kanye West parachutes into your life wearing NFL shoulder pads with your daughter is on his back wearing a muzzle. 

Apparently they met one time. I'd love to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation. I think there's a chance it was perfectly normal. Kanye must be able to pull it together for a few hours to meet his wife's parents, right? I know he's bat shit crazy, but he's still wildly successful. He must be somewhat with it. At least at time.

Here's another fun fact, Bianca's dad is a gangster.

Daily Mail - Her father served time in jail following a conviction for possessing a prohibited heroin import and a loaded pistol.

Described as a 'heavy criminal figure' by a relative, Leo was reportedly marked for assassination in the 1990s and, aware that a threat often results in deadly reality, accepted a police guard.

Described as 'a small but thick set man' he was involved in the slot machine business in Perth and Melbourne.

Officially he laid claim to being a bouncer, laborer, machine operator, fitter, billiard marker and café proprietor.

That's a fun little wrinkle. Dude was shipping heroin in and out of the country. Being able to say that you were marked for assassination is kind of bad ass. Knowing that, Kanye might be in trouble. If Kanye ends up at the bottom of a ditch one day, add Leo Censori's dad to a long list of people who have reason for wanting Kanye dead. He'll come in around 2 billionth place behind every Swiftie in the world.


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